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Olympic Flame Finland
LapWall OySponsor
LapWall Oy Icon
LapWall Oy produces wall elements for the construction of blocks of flats, row houses, detached and semi-detached houses, and for the growing day care and nursing home markets. Our factories are equipped with modern technology, which enables efficient supply chain management from placing an order to installation.
View ProfilePyhäntä, Finland
R-Group offers high quality RSTEEL products for customers around the world. Our customer-oriented service, excellent and reliable network of suppliers plus our extensive product portfolio ensure that we are able to offer professional and Fexible solutions for any kind of projects. In our operations we comply with the ISO 9001 and 14001 standards. Every RSTEEL product comes with a certified quality, service, and on-time delivery.
View ProfileHelsinki, Helsinki Finland
IISY OySponsor
IISY Oy Icon
IISY Oy is a digital expert house that prevents indoor air problems.We solve indoor air problems. According to studies, 15% of buildings have indoor air problems. Indoor air damage is more expensive to repair delayed and people get sick more easily in poor indoor air.With our Freesi indoor air service, you are a better # indoor air director.From us, you get all the necessary indoor air tools for your properties, communication and feedback system for residents, optimization recommendations, project monitoring, anomaly detection and risk management.
+358 020 730 7951 | View ProfileEspoo, Finland
VIK-Rakennus OySponsor
VIK-Rakennus Oy Icon
VIK-Rakennus on täyden palvelun rakennusliike Oulun Seudulla. Oli kyseessä pintaremontti, pieni tai suuri rakennusprojekti, me hoidamme homman laadukkaasti ja ajallaan. Tavoitteenamme on tuottaa sujuvasti laadukasta työtä asiakkaan toiveiden ja tarpeiden mukaisesti.
0504338256 | View ProfileKiiminki, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Finland
Rakennus-Aruta Icon
Rakennus-Aruta is a Finnish renovating company that specializes in challenging water damage repairs and rebuilding.
040 9613070 | View ProfileTuusula, Finland
VIK Rakennus OySponsor
VIK Rakennus Oy Icon
VIK-Rakennus toteuttaa laadukkaita ja ripeitä kattoremontteja Oulussa sekä Oulun lähikunnissa – Tarpeen vaatiessa olemme myös valmiita tekemään kattoremontteja Oulun alueen ulkopuolella. Teemme kattoremontteja niin yksityisille asiakkaille kuin myös taloyhtiöille ja yrityksille.
View ProfileOulu, Finland